Milango Financial Services

Milango Financial Services Ltd. is a private limited company, duly registered in Kenya, registration number 3650. Its total shares are 60 million with a par value of KS 1/= per share.  Milango is a Micro-Finance Institution (MFI) with enormous prospects because of its passion for uplifting individuals & commitment to societal transformation. Its management team is comprised of highly experienced professionals in the field of micro-finance, and the directors are good in the areas of business, training, development, as well as the management of highly successful ventures in Kenya and around the globe.

Since its inception in 2009, Milango has grown from the branch on Moi Avenue near the famous elephant tusks to six branches spread across three main counties in the coast region. All of these branches cater to the needs of their respective clients at the grassroots level.

Milango has a clientele of over 12 thousand people and has disbursed more than 360,600 Million Kenyan Shillings. The Head of Business Growth and Marketing projects the client base to exceed 17,500 by the end of 2012. The growth of the company can be attributed to the speedy delivery of services, customer-centered products, and excellent customer care from Milango’s staff.

Milango has embarked on a two-fold growth strategy. It is committed to growing their business platform by increasing both clientele base and the number of loans they distribute.

By leveraging & utilizing technology and seeking young, vibrant, and innovative staff, Milango is able to move far beyond the traditional micro finance model of simply offering credit to offering a fusion of other benefits such as green energy solutions, micro-housing, and micro-insurance. For example, Milango is proud to offer Milangoangaza, a resource that provides affordable, clean energy and alternative source of lighting. With this partnership Milango is proud to light up Africa while preserving the continent’s pristine environment. Another strong partner in the Micro-Insurance Division is with MilangoyaAfya. MilangoyaAfya offers affordable medical care to its clients and is already having an impact on the health of the Kenyan population.

Milango Financial services limited offers the following; Business loans, school fees loans, Insurance, Argo business, micro leasing and emergency loans to citizens who qualify and are in need of loans in small scale and which do not have many requirements which the average citizen does not have.