Student Loans

A student loan is a unique type of loan designed to help students pay for their university tuition fees, books, and living expenses. This differs from other types of loans in that the interest rate may be substantially lower and the repayment schedule may be deferred while the student is still in education. Student loans […]

Finance Loan

A finance loan is a short to medium term loan granted to customers for purchase of moveable capital assets, mainly Motor Vehicles, construction equipment, industrial plant & machinery, agricultural equipment, Office & IT based equipment and specialized working equipments. Apply for a Business Loan Examples of finance loans in Kenya KCB Boresha BiasharaLoan is designed […]

Loan Calculator

This is a free loan calculator that allows one to calculate and break down monthly repayment figures for a secured or unsecured loan. We start by choosing the loan amount, the annual interest rate (percentage), the number of years and any initial deposits or end-of-term balloon payments. (A balloon payment is a large, lump-sum payment […]

Commercial Loans

A commercial loan is a debt-based funding arrangement that a business can set up with a financial institution. The proceeds of commercial loans may be used to fund large capital expenditures and/or operations that a business may otherwise be unable to afford. Examples of commercial loans in Kenya Commercial Construction Loans Finance Factors offers a […]

Equity Loan

An equity loan is a mortgage loan in which the borrower receives money. Typically the loan is secured by real estate already owned through it. Examples of equity loans in Kenya Savings and Loan (S&L) is a wholly owned subsidiary of KCB and is the oldest mortgage finance company in Kenya. They have a range […]